Monday, April 19, 2010

A week and a half wait...

So no one ever really told me that I'd have to track how often my child pooped... when he was a baby he pooped multiple times a day... now it averages about once every 5 days or so. On Saturday night Sam and I realized that Landrick had not pooped in almost a week and a half. My parents freaked out and told me I needed to call the doctor... which freaked me out! (He did not seem to be in any pain or discomfort, other than the occasional gas, which is nothing new for the little man.) So I found myself planning to call the doctor on Sunday to ask what I should do.

After church, a short nap (for Landrick.. sadly not Mommy) and lunch with friends we came home and I placed Landrick in the bouncy seat while I cleaned up the kitchen. (I love to clean the kitchen... seriously, I do. It's almost like therapy for me for some reason!:) I had just finished washing the sink out when I turned around to meet a very happy baby who was kicking his feet like crazy... only something caught my eye. It was a dark brown growing-in-size discoloration on his green sleeper under his right leg...

I called to Sam and said 'well, there's no need to call the doctor'.

Chalk Sunday, April 18th as the day that Landrick had his most massive poo to date... Good thing I love that little man so much, cause that was one heck of a stinky, smelly, messy, massive poopy diaper.

On a lighter note, and by that I mean less stinky, I've now witnessed Landrick roll over from belly to back 3 times.... he's getting quite efficient at it!

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