Thursday, April 29, 2010

Ode to the Poopsey Party

A few weeks ago Landrick's sweet little cousin Hannah, while shopping with Nikki, found a cute little onesie for Landrick. I suppose she asked her Mommy what it said and Nikki told her that it said "Party Pooper" on it... They brought it over to Landrick and Hannah immediately told Sam all about the "Poopsey Party" outfit. She was soooo excited about it. Landrick has since worn the onesie to their house twice and both times Hannah has made sure to tell me (while giggling) that Landrick has his Poopsey Party outfit on... it's so cute. Landrick is sure loved by his cousins... and I'm sure he loves them too.

On an unrelated note, I'm not sure if it will ever get easier to hear my little man cry... he has gotten to the point where he does not always enjoy getting strapped into the car seat and he therefore cries a bit... it's the saddest little thing ever. I can't look at him while he's crying (when I can't pick him up or hold him) because it just tears me up! His little face gets all red and his tears just flow down his little cheeks. Here's this little innocent baby trying to tell Mommy that something's wrong.. and Mommy can't do anything about it (well at least not the carseat issue). It reminds me of when he was brand new and would pout his little lower lip out and it would quiver a bit before he started crying. He still does that occassionally now... mostly when he's asleep. He will make a little squeaky whine and then go back to sleep... I often wonder if he's having a bad dream or perhaps just a little gas pain... either way, it melts my heart.

1 comment:

angela said...

I want to come to the "poopsy party!!" I love the funny things kids say. Nice one Hannah!