Tuesday, April 6, 2010

If dinosaurs were still around...

Landrick has developed several new behaviors lately.... all of which are completely cute, of course. Perhaps one of my favorites is his ability to squeal/screech loudly. The only sound I can relate it to is one that a Pterodactyl makes in the movies... it's too funny. He really likes to make that noise while hanging out in the bouncy seat. He'll kick both legs simultaneously back and forth which makes the seat bounce like crazy... then he adds his own sound effects, which apparently makes the whole experience that much better!

I've also decided that he's a bit of a toy hoarder... I'll lay him on the blanket on his belly with his toys scattered about (just within reach). The next thing I know he's pulled them all in up under his chin/chest. At that point he looks for more and when he realizes none are left he ends up pushing them back out from beneath him... I guess he just wants to make sure he has at least one to play with. I'm not quite sure what this may indicate in reference to future playdates though... we'll have to work on sharing! hehe

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