Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Our little Chatterbox

Landrick can officially be nicknamed a chatterbox now, as he's finally 'found' his voice. He chatters alllllll the time... sometimes it sounds more like dadadadadadadadadad... sometimes it sounds like silly little squeaks... sometimes its just a soft little squeak or two. Regardless, the sounds he makes are pure happiness to his mommy's ears. While listening to him talk to his animals yesterday I couldn't help but smile (a lot) and think about how I would miss that when he got older and learned to talk... my little baby boy is growing up. It's a good thing and exciting thing, but at the same time it makes me a bit melancholy, which I suppose is normal.

He's such a good baby... Sam and I pack him around just about everywhere we go and he's a trooper. Even after long days away from the house, without a comfortable/familiar place to nap, and even an irregular schedule, he's still a happy baby almost all the time.

Last night during bathtime he really enjoyed kicking and flailing his little feet and legs into the warm, soapy water. He kept his arms, however, at a 45 degree angle out to his sides... almost as if he did not want to get them wet... it was funny. I tried to get him to play with the water with his hands but he preferred to hang on to the towel or just keep them hovered above the water. Maybe he takes after his Momma and does not like the feeling of wet hands. Of course, I don't mind my hands being wet when I'm in the shower! haha

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