Sunday, April 25, 2010

A milestone... or two

When you become a parent you know that you're going to watch your child grow into an adult, God willing; however, you don't realize just how important and special some of the steps along the way will be to you. Today Landrick ate something other than breastmilk for the very first time... he's 24 weeks old and has only ever had his Mommy's milk... so it was a very special moment, one of many soon-to-come milestones when we fed him rice cereal for the very first time.

To document the memory we set the video camera up and took lots of photographs.  Landrick ate it like a champ... he didn't quite know what to think of it at first and during the first two bites I can honestly say I was a little bit worried that he may not fancy cereal... but by the time we got to the bottom of the bowl, Landrick was actually rather upset that it was all gone. I rewarded him with a little of Mommy's milk to wash down the cereal. He was so cute... such a big boy. We gave him a spoon to play with while we fed him with another. He pounded the 'play' spoon down hard on his highchair tray... Sam said it was almost like he was trying to be a drummer... no matter what he was doing, it was really cute. The funniest thing perhaps was when he was trying to eat the cereal off of the spoon while at the same time sticking his fingers in his mouth and trying to eat them too. I think he was actually a bit confused and thought that he was supposed to be sucking on something rather than just eating off of the spoon.

We concluded the day with a trip to Meimaw and Poppy's where Landrick and Poppy finally bonded... AND Landrick rolled from back to belly for the first time! (The best part is that Sam and I actually got to witness it!) I told Sam that Landrick was trying to recycle a bottle, which motivated him to roll ( in truth, he was trying to grab an empty gatorade bottle to play with.) He also figured out how to 'scoot' himself across the floor toward Poppy. He was laying on his belly on a blanket and would push his feet against me, allowing the blanket (and himself) to move towards my Dad. Then, while on his back he figured out how to push his feet on the floor to move away from Poppy... Smart baby boy!

Yesterday was a very active day (helping Brian and Jennifer move into their new home!) and today was a relatively low key day with two milestones...

Needless to say, we had a great weekend.

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