Thursday, March 25, 2010

Staying up late and givng kisses

Well Landrick and I tried to stay up late to watch the UK game tonight... I made it to about 9:15 before falling asleep... luckily, with a 4.5 month old I was up again by 10:30 and am able to watch the rest of the game. It's always funny/weird to fall asleep during a sports game... it's almost as if you were able to fast forward a portion of your life. One minute your're watching the game, the next minute (when you wake up) it's over. Weird.

Landrick 'played' with a new friend today... Tivis. At first he was not quite sure what to think, but soon he was trying to grab Tivis's coat, ears, neck, face, etc. He even tried to fix Tivis's hair. It was too cute. It's fun to think about Landrick having 'friends' and play dates... here begins a whole new level of social interaction for both Landrick and Mommy. I look forward to creating new friendships and strengthing old ones for the sake of my baby boy. It's fun to think about the bonds I will form with Landrick's friends' parents. Afterall, most of my Mom and Dad's best friends are those who had kids Nik or my age.... just something interesting to think about.

I think Landrick has started trying to 'give kisses'... he keeps his mouth wide open and will press it against my face... it's either his version of a kiss or he's just trying to eat my face. Either way, it's totally cute.

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