Monday, March 29, 2010

Grabbing and Strrrrretching!

Every morning when I get Landrick up and lay him on the changing table to change his diaper he immediately stretches his arms straight up over his head as high as they will go while at the same time straightens his legs out as straight as they will go. I always say to him 'you're a stretcheroni toni this morning'. (For some weird reason I add 'eroni' on the end of a lot of words when talking to Landrick... not sure why but it's funny to me for some reason). After he's had a minute or so of intense stretching he'll relax his little body and I can proceed with changing the diaper. However, even though he's relaxed, he leaves his arms up over his head. It's the cutest thing ever. He's such a sweet baby in the mornings (and the afternoons and evenings too..). He just smiles and babbles at me - as long as he's not hungry! It's always a great way to start the day.
On a side note, over the past few days Landrick has REALLY started grabbing items in a very intense way. He 'played' with coupons from the paper on Saturday... grabbing and, of course, trying to put them in his mouth. He's grabbed items before, but now it almost seems like he's in a mad fury to get a hold of them... it makes me giggle. He's also started grabbing his blanket that he lays on in his pack n' play. Since I worry he'll grab it and press it up to his face Sam and I have decided that we must work on an alternative 'pee catcher' to lay him on... we'll see what we come up with. Yesterday when we picked Landrick up from WeePoint (basically the nursery at our church) he had fallen asleep... they had put him in his car seat for us and buckled him in. Although he was asleep he was clutching the handle of his car seat with vigor... and did not let go until we got him to the car and secured into the car seat base. Ahhhh what a cute little boy... oh how I love him.

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