Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Mission Accomplished

Well, Landrick finally did it... he successfully pulled up to a complete standing position while in his crib and here's how it went down...

After his 'make-up' swimming lesson Landrick came home and was SUPER tired. So tired in fact that he was not interested in eating cereal and did not want to play. He wanted milk and that was it. So, I nursed him and he fell asleep (yes, I break the rules by allowing my 8.5 month old son to nurse himself to sleep on occasion... well on most occasions;). I laid him down in his crib and he slept, but only for 30 minutes. When he woke up I got him out of the bed, fed him cereal and allowed him to play in the floor of our bedroom while I ate supper. When Sam came in from working outside we both played with Landrick some more and I laid him down again in his crib. Because I have severe ocd when it comes to him sleeping and being 'okay' while he sleeps I went in to check on him... and that's when I found him standing straight up hanging on the side of the crib. Of course, at that moment I did what any mother would do.. I called for Sam to come and look, grabbed the video camera and the regular camera and documented this milestone moment.

There Landrick was grinning like a opossum and happy as a lark. He was quite proud of his accomplishment and could probably tell that Mommy and Daddy were quite impressed as well. Then, he tried to climb up his crib and grab the diaper basket and his wipes, which prompted Sam and I to scoot the changing table away from the side of his crib. Shortly after that he got his knee stuck between the 'rungs' of his crib, which was quite disturbing. I'm not sure how to prevent that from happening again, as I'm worried that he'll get his leg stuck and injure himself pretty badly. :( I'm soliciting advice from fellow mommies and daddies on that one.

Here begins a whole new world of baby proofing. I told Sam that our deck will be finished just in time for us to move our living room furniture out to the new room, which will end up being Landrick's 'free-roaming space, as it has nothing in it really at this point. That should provide us with a little extra time to get the rest of the house in 'baby-shape', something that we should have done weeks ago... oh well, we're slackers.

Now... if we can just get him to crawl forwards. Although... I can say that I think that will also happen any day, as he's getting SO very close to mastering that art as well.

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