Friday, April 23, 2010

Teaching little man to love the Earth

Yesterday was Earth Day and it was a great day! For those of you who know me well it will come to no surprise that Landrick, Sam and I all partook in some Earth Day festivities. The day started by Sam dressing Landrick in his 'Tree Hugger' onesie (with jeans and a jacket too - since it was a bit chilly). That little onesie is very special to me, not only because it is so cute and shows a love for the environment, but because it was the very first piece if baby 'clothing' that I purchased for the Mason baby-to-be... we bought it at TJ Maxx after one of the very first prenatal visits. Yesterday was the first day that Landrick wore the onesie (which was fitting because it was Earth Day)... however, even though it was a 9 month outfit Sam said that he's almost too long for it (he's a super long baby!). Hopefully we'll get a few more good wears in before he totally out grows it though... that's just how it goes with baby clothes though:)

Landrick's not been having the best sleeping patterns lately. Some nights he wants to go to bed early... while others it takes forever to get him to sleep (or at least it feels that way). He's also been getting up quite a few times during the night. He went about two weeks where he only got up once or twice... but now he's back to waking up like every few hours. Many times he does not seem to be hungry, but rather just wants to play. Mommy's not really in the mood to play at 2:30 in the morning...
Last night while nursing him before bed he started doing this really funny kicking thing with his leg. He would kick kick kick his left leg in the air... over and over and over. Then I guess it got tired so he'd rest for a minute or two and then resume kicking. It was hilarious. The blanket was covering his leg at first so I thought, 'well maybe it's bothering him'. So I removed the blanket and he only kicked more intensely. Maybe he really will be a soccer player... Mommy can only hope:) hehe

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