Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Roo's First Truck

Well, Sam bought Landrick a truck today... fortunately for me it was just a toy truck! hehe I'm not quite ready for Landrick to drive!

When I came home from work I saw the little yellow and black carhart truck on the floor and I had to smirk a little... but a little bit later I laid Landrick down on his play mat and he went crazy over that truck! He grabbed it and started waving it back and forth in the air. He exuberated excitement with his entire body. It was really cute.

Landrick has also really started laughing on  regular basis... he does it a lot when I kiss his belly after changing his diaper... or when I play the 'Mommy's going to get you' game with his little feet or with tickle hands on his belly. He's started to regularly anticipate the tickle I suppose.

He got up with me this morning and hung out in the bouncy seat while I showered. It's really funny because for the first few minutes hes normally a little reserved and just sits quietly. Then once he fully wakes up he's all giggles and smiles. I'll occasionally slide the shower door open and play a game of peek-a-boo with him. He'll just smile and giggle a bit... then after a few rounds he goes back to playing with Mr. Duck, Mr. Bee, and Mr. Blue Bird (the toys on his bouncy seat).

I just can't explain how much I love that little fella... one can't possibly understand until they have a child of their own. Everything changes... a new level of love seems to have been created.

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