Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Proud Daughter...

You know, it's interesting how the older we get the more we are able to truly appreciate how spectacular our parents really are. I learned several years ago that my parents were almost always right (I did say almost:) when giving me advice and direction while I was in high school and college. Over the past several years I've also realized that my parents can be both parents and friends (now that I am older and no longer disciplined by them! :). But the thing I think I can change the most is how clear it is to me that I am SO very proud of both of them and that they need to know that. When I think about all that they've been through, how they've raised 2 children, found success in their careers, and still managed to share a close bond with their families, I am truly overcome with awe and wonderment. My only hope is that when my children are grown, then can someday look back on Sam and me and share those same feelings.

This past year has brought about 2 very important career transitions for both my mother and father.

My Dad was the first to receive a promotion and was named the Northeastern District Fisheries Biologist. He's worked with the Department of Fish and Wildlife for as long as I can remember and he's now the head honcho of his division/district. He knows his stuff and all of his hard work and experience has paid off! Those who know my father, you probably can tell he's a rather humble and laid-back man; therefore, when he received his promotion you could tell he was happy, but of course he did not make it out to be such a big deal (even though it REALLY was). I think that's one of the things I love the most about my father - he's okay being just who he is. He does not need accolades or pats on the back to know he does a great job... those are just icing on the cake! I am so very proud of him.

My Mom's career accomplishment has occurred most recently. On Monday I went to silently support my mom at a public forum (basically a public interview). As I sat and listened to all that she has done as a professional educator I was actually overcome with emotion... I've known her for almost 28 years and I think that night was the first time I had ever really realized just how much she has devoted to students... how much she's done... how many different aspects of the educational system in which she's participated. I've always know just how much she LOVES her job... teaching... and the students, but I saw it all in a completely different light. I saw her that night as more than just a Mom who was a teacher and then a principal... I saw her as a professional... and I was so very proud of all that she has done and will continue to do.


Leslie said...

you do have pretty special parents! what fun memories i have of being over at your house playing as a kid! they were always soo much fun!

Kris and Kally said...

You really are so blessed! Tell your mom Congrats from me and that I am thrilled for her! (But sorry, still screaming even louder inside about your baby! :-) )

Kris10 said...

You definitely are blessed with two awesome parents! I still have my AP Bio binder from senior year. Your Mom was my favorite teacher in high school, and I love to flip through and read all the encouraging comments she wrote on my papers. She's going to be a great principal!