Monday, November 24, 2008

Remember when..

Remember When...

1. Add a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses.


Greg said...


I have lots of great childhood memories involving you. I'll give you two that come to mind right now.

From the younger days, I remember that horse racing game we used to play on your old computer. I don't remember exactly how it worked, but it involved placing bets on horses, then yelling and screaming wildly while poorly animated animals made their way from left to right on the screen. It was officially awesome.

The second comes from high school. I was looking at old pictures the other day and found a stack from when we went to nationals in speech. I remember that it was your first time on an airplane and you're wearing your wings in the picture.

Hope all is well!

Leslie said...

Oh Lordy-
I have a couple:
1. I always loved going to your house to stay the night.
2.One year you invited me to go christmas caroling with your family and some friends-I had never done that before and thought it was soo neat!
3. This memory came to mind the other day: you came with us to a gymnastics competition in lex and we stayed at the Drawbridge Hotel...

also I still remember your childhood phone number (5970)

and one of my fav christmas memories was the little tree you guys decorated in your front yard with the white and red lights...i always thought it was soo pretty!

angela said...

i remember hearing about you long before i actually met you. i knew jon called you aMANda and it's funny how often the name is used because we sure said it often! i think i firt met you when we got married and came to ky for an open house. i liked you immediately! you have a way of just making people feel comfortable and are so likable right from the start! can't wait to see you over christmas!

abigailadamsthomas said...

okay..a few..
#1 - playing light as a feather/stiff as a board at one of your slumber parties!
#2 - the first time (maybe only time, too) i played 'operation' was with you at your house
#3 - you ALWAYS brown bagged at lunch and usually had a capri sun, if i remember correctly.
#4 - speech team in middle school...
#5 - track!! i hated doing those half mile warmups...remember when she made us run a race at boyd county?!?!?!? you always were my sunflower seed hook up...

love, big toe