Monday, November 17, 2008

The fruit (or veggie) of our labor…

I had to just quickly post something funny that happened at the end of the summer. Why, you may ask? Because it is one of those things that you just have to laugh at and chalk up as a life lesson learned.

This summer Sam and I were very excited and convinced that we would be able to grow tomatoes and peppers in a raised bed next to our carport. We bought 4 little pepper plants and 4 little tomato plants. We planted them in the bed, nourished them with some plant food and water, and waited for them to produce home grown veggies!

It turns out that turtles like to eat pepper leaves, blossoms, and stems.... and tomatoes need much more light than what our yard can provide.

But, the effort was not completely wasted. We were, after all, rewarded with our little baby tomato.

Please note that this was supposed to be a very large tomato, not a little cherry tomato!


The Reynolds Family said...

lol. You never know until you try!! Who knew turtles could be so sneaky!

hotlasagna said...

You never know with tomato plants! We planted some last summer and really enjoyed them. This summer we didn't have time to take care of any, but for some funny reason a couple of plants started growing again without our help. We had a few "cherry tomatoes" ourselves this year. To funny!

hotlasagna said...

btw-that was ang