Monday, November 10, 2008

Halloween, Mason Style

Since Sam and I live in the most 'traditional' neighborhood out of Mom & Dad and Nik & Jamie, we have hosted Halloween every year since we moved to Lakeview Heights. However, this year was the first year that both Sam and I were able to participate in the festivities. (In the past either I've had night class or he's had class.)

We made the famous Mason 'Junk' Chili, carved several pumpkins, hung orange lights outside, and stationed ourselves on the front porch with candy in hand.

Mom was in charge of passing the actual candy out, while Sam and Dad worked on trying to scare the trick-or-treaters with a fake rubber snake tied to a piece of jute. (Realizing that the jute was very visible, they later opted to tie it with thread, as we had no fishing line at our house.)

Nikki and Jamie took Ross (a.k.a. the good Anakin Skywalker), Hannah (a.k.a. the ballerina) and Ray (just Ray) out trick-or-treating in the neighborhood.

As always, it was a great night. We had 154 kids stop by the house for candy and saw a few interesting costumes. Mostly, it was just fun spending time with one another, laughing, and worrying about whether or not we were going to run out of candy!

These are the lovely Mason Family Pumpkins! :)


The Reynolds Family said...

Those are some good lookin' pumpkins! I definitely remember making stops at Lakeview to trick-or-treat--tons of houses and they are all close together! A regular Halloween dream!! Can't wait to see you guys!

angela said...

When I was reading your post, it reminded me of a home video I converted to a DVD for Pam that involved your dad doing some sneaky stuff in their front yard with a snake. Snakes are always good for a scare!