Monday, June 16, 2008

A Day of Digging....

Over the past few months we discovered that the bottom portion of the addition to our house (Sam's soon-to-be workshop) was being infiltrated by unwanted water!! The individuals who built the addition did not quite get the drainage squared away properly, which has resulted in groundwater and rainwater seeping through. Therefore, Sam took it upon himself to 're-dig' the drainage trenches, while the building people paid for the backhoe (sp?). I was actually surprised at how well Sam operated it! He would have been done in one day if large tree stump had not gotten in his way and slowed him up. Anyway - while we had the digging machine Sam thought that Ross might want to come and 'help' for a little while - seeing that Ross is the typical 6-year old boy that LOVES farm and construction equipment! Ross was in full-fledged concentration mode while he dug, scooped, moved dirt and navigated the backhoe around our backyard.

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