Wednesday, March 7, 2012

A Walk with Landrick

Well, since it's been over a year since my last post and I'm getting ready to have lots of free time on my hands (HAHAHA), I thought it would be the perfect time to restart my blog. (Who am I kidding... you may not see another post from me for 2 years after this one. ha!)

Baby Mason #2 is officially expected to arrive on April 18th, but I have a feeling this baby will make an early appearance just like their brother. So, I'm preparing myself to have the little bambino around the first week of April.

Today Landrick and I took our first walk of the season... and it really was a walk. No stroller for Lan, as he was in the mood to explore on foot. He got SUPER excited about seeing all of the mail boxes (I guess he didn't realize that everyone has a mailbox, not just Mommy and Daddy). Someone was grilling out and he could smell the smoke... he kept asking what that smell was... and was not very impressed with it. We saw lots of birds (which he totally loved), heard some dogs barking, saw some cars (and people), and looked at lots of pretty flowers. We walked around the neighborhood for about an hour and he loved every minute of it. Here's an example of a simple activity that brought both of us joy. His joy came from seeing all kinds of 'new' things... and my joy came from watching him. Man, I love that kid. Even on the toughest of days, nothing can compare to the feeling I have being his Mommy... words cannot even come close to describing that feeling.

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