Friday, August 13, 2010

Big Boy Bath and A New Little Tooth Sprout

Well after struggling with bath time for the past few weeks (Landrick wants to stand up every 3 seconds in the tub) I finally took the advice of a friend of mine and bought a rubber bath mat and just put him in the big tub with about 2 inches of water. He seemed to really like it. After he got is 'sea legs' he was happy as a little lark. For the majority of his bath time he tried (and tried and tried and tried) to pull the drain lever down. Fortunately for Mommy it wouldn't budge... to be honest, I can't even get it to move so Sam has to let the water out of the bathtub. Landrick was very diligent in his effort... but didn't get mad when it didn't work the way he wanted (which is always good).

After at least a week or two of seeing Landrick's top four front teeth bulge under his little gums, I finally felt his top right front tooth peeping through his gum line. I know the other three are not far behind... I'd prefer for them all to come in at about the same time and just get it over with... but we shall see. Last night it was the second night (after the first little tooth popped through) that was the roughest... so I guess we shall see!

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